A virtual discussion exploring actions to ensure the resilience of aquatic ecosystems from climate change and human-induced impacts while protecting the primary food source of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent communities.
Date: Tuesday, 9 November 2021
Time: 22:45-23:45 (UTC+8)
Watch the event recording:
(Start the mark at 1:05:00)
Climate change is one of the leading causes of severe food crises that are affecting one billion people worldwide who rely on aquatic foods as their main or only source of food and nutritional security including food availability, access, utilization, and stability. There is an urgent need to accelerate our actions to ensure the resilience of aquatic ecosystems from climate change and human-induced impacts while protecting the primary food source of fisheries and aquaculture-dependent communities.
In this UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26), hosted by WorldFish, IWMI & FAO, researchers explored how fisheries and aquaculture-dependent communities are creating viable livelihood opportunities under changing climate and presented actions needed to transform food systems with aquatic foods to meet the nutritional needs of millions.
Together, the panel also focused on technological and digital innovations, such as climate information services, and how they can be integrated into policy and institutional reforms to catalyze the transition towards shared prosperity. Additionally, they discussed innovative approaches by governments and businesses to put aquatic foods on a low emission pathway.
Opening Remarks
Gareth Johnstone, Director General, WorldFish
Setting the scene: A shared prosperity through aquatic food systems under changing climate
Essam Yassin Mohammed, Global Lead for Climate and Environmental Sustainability, WorldFish
Voice from Government: Innovations around integrated land-water-food systems with focus on SIDS context
Nabil Muhammad Abu Al-Fath, Undersecretary for Agriculture and Marine Resources, Bahrain
Voice from People: Fisheries and aquaculture dependent communities
Felix Marttin, Fishery Resources Officer, FAO
Actions for a climate resilient aquatic food systems to meet food and nutritional security for all
Shakuntala Thilsted, Global Lead, Nutrition & Public Health, WorldFish & 2021 World Food Prize Laureate
Actions on the part of private sector on innovation and market disruption to benefit people
Angelique Pouponneau, CEO, Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT)
Tana Lala-Pritchard, Executive Director of Strategy, Innovation, and Communications, WorldFish
Follow WorldFish and the hashtag #aquaticfoods to check out past conversations on Twitter.
Watch Here
(Start the mark at 1:05:00)