A virtual discussion to explore the role of local, regional, or national policymakers is key to supporting communities' priorities with climate change adaptations and resiliency in small-scale fisheries.

Date: November 2022

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In celebration of the 2022 International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA2022), the SSF Hub is hosting a virtual event to highlight the challenges and opportunities of alternative livelihoods of small-scale fisheries supporting communities' priorities with climate change adaptations and resiliency. The dialogues and discussions will focus on how climate change is having an impact on fishery livelihood, observations of changes to the harvesting environments, severe weather events and pathways for more climate-resilient fisheries management.

As part of our commitments to IYAFA2022, WorldFish will continue to support the need to provide the most beneficial outcomes to the aquaculture and global fisheries industry through our research and innovation, we will promote key actions to support this integrated approach in relation to the WorldFish's '2030 Research and Innovation Strategy' and CGIAR's initiative in 'Resilient Aquatic Foods for Healthy People and Planet.' 

Stay up to date with the latest information by following WorldFish and the hashtag #aquaticfoods to join the virtual dialogue on Twitter. 
We look forward to your active participation.

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Fisher Voices on Climate Change Adaptations and Resiliency in Small-scale Fisheries