Through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the world has committed to ending all forms of malnutrition. Reorienting food systems across all actors and levels, towards improving nutrition outcomes (nutrition-sensitive food systems) is central to achieving this goal, as was recognized in the second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) Framework for Action and further strengthened by the declaration of the United Nations Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016-2025. The CGIAR has also committed to improvements in food and nutrition security with specific targets for increasing dietary diversity of women and reducing micronutrient deficiencies up to 2030. Fish is uniquely placed to contribute to this goal, yet has received inadequate attention in debates on nutrition-sensitive food systems.
Objectives of the workshop
The program for this workshop has been developed to achieve the following objectives:
- Heighten the understanding of nutrition-sensitive fish Agri-food system approaches
- Expand implementation of nutrition-sensitive fish Agri-food systems in the countries in which we work
- Strengthen research approaches to monitor and evaluate impacts on nutrition
- Advocate for and influence global and country investments, policies and strategies
3:30 – 4 pm |
Registration |
4 – 4:10 pm |
4:10 – 5 pm |
Opening remarks:
5 – 5:30 pm |
Keynote address:
9 – 10:30 am |
Session theme: What are nutrition-sensitive fish agri-food systems? Chair: Dr. Gareth Johnstone, Director General, WorldFish
Q & A – 20 mins |
11 – 12:30 pm |
Session theme: Perspectives on the directions for nutrition-sensitive food systems to 2030 Chair: Mr. David Shearer, Director, International Partnerships and Program Delivery, WorldFish
Q & A – 20 mins 60 second poster pitches [Watch] [Presentation] |
1:30 – 3 pm |
Chair: Dr. Robert Bertram, Chief Scientist, Bureau of Food Security, USAID
Q & A – 20 mins 60 second poster pitches [Watch] [Presentation] |
3:30 – 5 pm |
Workshop activity 1: How to make fish agri-food systems more nutrition-sensitive? Facilitator: Dr. Jessica Bogard, Post-doctoral Fellow – Nutrition, WorldFish Objectives of the workshop activity 1:
8.30 – 10 am |
Session theme: The continuum of fish agri-food systems and links to nutrition Chair: Dr. Jeppe Kolding, Professor, Department of Biology, University of Bergen
Q & A – 20 mins [Watch] |
10 – 5.30 pm |
Field trip: Nutrition-sensitive fish agri-food systems in action [Program] [Brief] [Field Trip Summary] |
9 – 10:30 am |
Session theme: Approaches to monitoring and evaluating impacts of agri-food system interventions on nutrition Chair: Dr. Gina Kennedy, Theme Leader, Diet Diversity for Nutrition and Health, Bioversity International
Q & A 60 second poster pitches [Watch] [Presentation] |
11 – 12:30 pm |
Session theme: Learnings from high quality interventions integrating nutrition-sensitive elements Chair: Dr. Shakuntala Thilsted, Research Program Leader, Value Chains and Nutrition, WorldFish
Q & A 60 second poster pitches [Watch] [Presentation] |
1:30 – 3 pm |
Session theme: What’s missing? Research gaps Chair: Ms. Nomindelger Bayasgalanbat, Regional Nutrition Officer, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Q & A 60 second poster pitches [Watch] |
3:30 – 4:30 pm |
Workshop activity 2: Developing action plans for measuring impacts on nutrition and addressing research gaps Facilitators: Dr. Jody Harris, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Development Studies and Dr. Jessica Bogard, Post-doctoral Fellow – Nutrition, WorldFish Objectives of the workshop activity 2:
4:30 – 5 pm |
Closing remarks: [Watch]