Date: 20-21 September 2024

Location: UN Headquarters, New York

More information:


Context and WorldFish Participation:

The Summit of the Future Action Days will bring together representatives from Member States, civil society, the private sector, academia, local and regional authorities, creative communities, youth, and many more. Everyone will be present, included, and engaged during the Action Days. These stakeholders have all played a key role in shaping the Pact for the Future and will be critical to its implementation. Their participation, contributions, and catalytic mobilization will be essential to the success of the Summit of the Future and its follow-up.

Director General, Essam Yassin Mohammed, will lead WorldFish's participation in the Summit of the Future on:

Mon, 20 September 2024
#YouthLead for the Future: We believe in the promise of a better world for all
A session to elevate the voice of youth in the multilateral system, signaling efforts to secure breakthroughs in global cooperation.
| 13:00-18:00


Tue, 21 September 2024
A Digital Future For All and A Sustainable Future For All
A session focusing on multistakeholder partnership and action – paving the way towards the next chapter of more inclusive and networked multilateralism. 
| 09:00-18:00


For speaking engagements and media inquiries, please contact:

David Wardell (


We look forward to your active participation.

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