
Digital Communication Specialist

Pursuing a career of over 17 years, Shahreen Haq comes with specialization in strategic communication, Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) in general and, its planning, implementation in particular. Specific areas of her strength include communication strategy development; result-oriented SBCC interventions; advocacy and communication campaign; media and public relations; organizational knowledge management and networking etc. Also, she can conveniently handle all sorts of publications; generate and highlight project and success stories; connect all concerned national and international stakeholders.

While working at different cultures and environment in development sector she nurtured the culture of team spirit all through and promoted it to maximize program outputs. Academically, she holds a Masters degree in English literature from Dhaka University. Also, she has successfully participated in a number of professional skill development training programs in many renowned organizations both in Bangladesh and abroad.
By nature, she is enthusiastic, cooperative, forward-looking, supportive and inclined to applying innovative approaches. She is a believer of the concept “Organization comes first” and extends her helping hands to all the colleagues as and when needed. Once a congenial atmosphere is given, Shahreen Haq works at her best.