Joseph Nagoli

Joseph is a social scientist and Country Research Lead for WorldFish in Malawi. He has worked on a wide range of socio-economic research projects related to aquaculture, fisheries governance and climate change adaptation. His research has focused on understanding development pathways where aquaculture would play a significant role in mitigating droughts and food insecurity in southern Africa. Joseph has a PhD in Rural Development (Anthropology) and has thus over 20 publications on: Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture (IAA) farming systems; governance of aquatic agricultural systems; conflicts over natural resource scarcity in the aquatic ecosystem; Aquaculture and Fisheries value chains and vulnerability of female fish traders in the fisheries value chains. Joseph has also analyzed aquaculture systems and processes that have contributed to policy frameworks and standards such as the Malawi Policy on Food and Nutritional Security, Malawi HIV and AIDS in the Fisheries Sector, Malawi Aquaculture Gold Standards, the Malawi Presidential Initiative on Aquaculture Development.