Md. Emdad Hossain

I have more than 26 years’ experience, where around 15 years’ experience in senior Project/Program management positions in different international donor (DFID, DANIDA, USAID, CGIAR, IFAD, JICA etc) funded Projects. During my managerial positions I managed and oversee a good number of national and international senior, midlevel and junior staff, students and interns. Project planning, budgeting, monitoring implementing and reporting was my main responsibility as a project/program manager.

I have more than five years’ experience in environment aspect (leading the Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security Project) and also awarded my second masters in Climate Change and Development. I have experience in leading different nutrition sensitive aquaculture project including ZOR area of Bangladesh Aquaculture and Nutrition Activity. During my service tenure gender was the cross cutting area in all of my projects.

I have more than three years’ experience to manage USAID funded Projects (CAARP1 & 2, CREL & Bangladesh Aquaculture and Nutrition Activity).