Md. Nasirul Islam

I am bringing with me little over 13 years of working experience from both development and private sectors. M&E and research is my main expertise though I have been in close contact with the programs in doing my jobs on regular basis. I have demonstrated capacity in conducting survey at field, farmers and enterprise levels in evaluating the progress of the project and thereby recommending accordingly to fine tune to reduce the deviation if there is any. Additionally, instrumental in developing M&E software in capturing data for the development projects. I coordinated four performance evaluations (Cold Chain Bangladesh Alliance, Bengal Tiger Conservation Activity, Bangladesh Trade Facilitation activity and Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh) funded by USAID and worked as back-stopper for another three evaluations- Aquaculture for Income and Nutrition, Women Empowerment Activity and DO4 Gender Assessment. I take part regularly in developing the program work plan, setting targets, designing indicators, developing Performance Management Plan (PMP) & Performance Indicator Reference Sheet (PIRS), research tools, analytical tools both qualitative & quantitative, reporting on those. I have graduated in International Relations from University of Dhaka.