Peter Jackson

Program Officer

Peter has seven years' experience working on development programs in the Asia Pacific and East Africa, and has worked within a range of international development organizations including the World Food Programme (Ethiopia), World Vision (Vanuatu) and Save the Children (based in New Zealand). His experience includes:

  • Project assessment and design - conducting assessments for new concept notes, including successfully securing New Zealand MFAT funding for multiple new projects.
  • Research, monitoring and evaluation - including designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems, data collection, analysis and reporting to meet the requirements of bilateral donors including USAID, Australian Aid and New Zealand MFAT.
  • Grant management of up to five projects simultaneously, including in-country monitoring and evaluation, reporting and management responses to high-level recommendations.
  • Assisting in the development of communications and Best Management Practice manuals.
  • Experience in a range of thematic areas, including early grade literacy; WASH; nutrition; disaster risk reduction; inland fisheries conservation.