Phichong Ou
Phichong OU has a Master’s degree in Global Studies and International Trade in Agriculture Commodities from Germany and Poland. She has 19 years of experience in: project design, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation; conducting assessments in the areas of food security, international trade in agriculture, global value chain analysis, market analysis, training need assessment, business development, community organizations and socio-economic research in agriculture (rice, horticulture, fish), and land rights. Phichong has gained extensive knowledge, and sharpened her existing knowledge, through a range of projects funded by donors such as USAID, the EU, AusAID. Phichong has worked closely with local and international agriculture research institutes (ACIAR, IFPRI, IRRI, CARDI, and various universities) international organizations (IDE, ADDA, Plan International, etc.) and other related partners such as Ministries, provincial departments and local partner NGOs.  Phichong has been working for WorldFish under RFF II funded by USAID since September 2016.