Capacitating Farmers and Fishers to Manage Climate Risks in South Asia (CaFFSA)

Whitbread, A.; Phillips, M. (2019). Capacitating Farmers and Fishers to Manage Climate Risks in South Asia (CaFFSA). Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. Program Brief
Climate variability has a profound influence on fisheries and agriculture in South Asia, including the service industry and value chains. Progress in weather and sub-seasonal/seasonal forecasting has significantly increased the information available. Yet gaps still exist in the delivery and impact of climate information services, including reliability, uncertainty, scaling and delivery. CaFFSA will innovate in the delivery of climate information services (CIS) to 330,000 farm households in India (Andhra Pradesh and Odisha states) and 150,000 fish farming households in Odisha and Bangladesh (Barisal, Sylhet and Khulna divisions). Timely, reliable and contextualized climate information will profoundly change the climate risk equation in sectors that underpin the food security of millions. The project builds on the existing expertise of CGIAR and partnerships with national agencies and agricultural service and credit institutions to design and deliver scalable products, with an aim to reach more than 600,000 people by 2021.
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