Through our research on climate change, we are providing new knowledge on how to make aquatic food systems more resilient, creating a better future for the people who depend on them.
Climate change will have wide-reaching impacts on aquatic foods, either directly by affecting harvest quantities and efficiency, or indirectly by influencing the market price of fish or the costs of goods and services required by the sectors. Business as usual, with no effort to curb greenhouse gas emissions, predicts that some tropical countries will catch up to 40% less fish.
Aquaculture contributes less than 5% of the emissions associated with food production and is less susceptible to climate change. The naturally low carbon footprint of aquatic foods adds resilience to communities struck by climate change and makes sustainable aquaculture a key solution for the future.
We are generating evidence and innovations to reduce food loss and waste, build climate resilience, restore ecosystems and put aquatic food production systems on a low emissions pathway toward environmental sustainability.
WorldFish research will continue to show how aquatic foods are a low-emission ingredient in the recipe for healthier and more sustainable diets.