Effect of broodstock density on Oreochromis shiranus fry production in hapas

Maluwa, A.O.; Costa-Pierce, B.A. (1993). Effect of broodstock density on Oreochromis shiranus fry production in hapas. Journal of Applied Aquaculture, 2 (2): 63-76
Oreochromis shiranus broodstock were stocked in 3 x 3 x 1 hapas for 413 days in Malawi at 1.7, 1.0, and 0.7/m super(2) (sex ratio was 1 male:2 females). First sampling was done 14 days after stocking and every 21 days thereafter. Free-swimming fry first appeared after 56 days. Total spawn (free swimming fry, sac fry, and eggs) were harvested every 21 days, beginning on day 224. The lowest broodstock density produced significantly (P
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