Fish production, catches and the carrying capacity of the world oceans

Fish production, catches and the carrying capacity of the world oceans
Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (1995). Fish production, catches and the carrying capacity of the world oceans. NAGA 18 (3): 34-40
A brief review of the status of the world fisheries is presented with emphasis on the differences between catches (= landings + bycatch), biological production of fish, and predation (= production - catches). The ECOPATH II approach implemented as a new, Windows-based software is then shown to allow construction of a stratified world model accoutinng for global catches, production of and predation on fishes, and thus improved estimates of global potentials. A newly initiated, cooperative project is described through which the foundation for such a global model could be constructed, based on a stratified database with more than 100 trophic models. Collaborators are invited to join in this, and will be assisted in constructing models covering their areas of interest.
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