GIZ_MYSAP Inland_Eighth technical progress report_01 October 2020 - 31 March 2021

This technical progress report details the activities conducted by Improving the production, nutrition and market values of small-scale aquaculture
in Myanmar’s Shan State and Sagaing Region (MYSAP Inland) from 01 October 2020 until 31 March 2021. In this reporting period, MYSAP Inland first supported a total of 1,255 poor and vulnerable households to culture fish and grow vegetables and fruit production in the 2020-21 culture season
during the novel coronavirus 2 (COVID-19) lockdown restrictions and latterly the state of emergency from 01 February 2021 following the detention of Aung San Suu Kyi by the military. In addition from 08 February 2021 all MYSAP Inland external activities were suspended until 31 March 2021 on instruction from the MYSAP Head of Programme. While MYSAP Inland activities have been impacted at all locations by the COVID-19 pandemic
during this reporting period, MYSAP Inland has operated in a COVID-19 smart manner and followed all government-imposed restrictions on travel, face-to-face meetings and limitations on group sizes for meetings, trainings, and workshops, imposed to reduce the risk of contagion and spread of the COVID-19.
Date Available