COP27 Communications Toolkit, Worldfish

COP27 Communications Toolkit, Worldfish
Marine and freshwater resources provide millions of impoverished people across the world with livelihoods and a range of critical ecosystem services. Aquatic food systems are unique and complex, transcending long distances and multiple territorial waters. Moreover, climate-resilient aquatic foods have a key role to play in transforming the world’s food systems. But climate change is damaging these ecosystems and could harm those who rely on aquatic food systems for their livelihoods, security, and income. With the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) taking place later in November, it is crucial to ensure that aquatic foods are placed at the center of climate discussions. This COP27 Communications Toolkit provides key messages, sample social media posts, media advisory, graphic cards, and everything you need to know about WorldFish at COP27.
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