Management of coastal fisheries in Vietnam

Management of coastal fisheries in Vietnam
Dao, M.S.; Pham, T. (2003). Management of coastal fisheries in Vietnam. p. 957-986. Assessment, management and future directions for coastal fisheries in Asian countries. WorldFish Center conference proceedings; 67
The fisheries sector of Vietnam plays an important role in the social and economic development of the country. The sector contributes about 3% of the GDP and fish contributes about 40% of animal protein consumption in the country. In 1999, total fisheries production amounted to 1.8 million t. Of this, 1.2 million t was derived from marine capture fisheries and 0.6 million t from aquaculture. Fish exports were valued at US$971.12 million in the same year. Vietnam’s marine fisheries and coastal aquaculture have further potential for development. However, overfishing in coastal areas, degradation of the marine environment and conflicts between small-scale and large scale fishers must be resolved to realize the sector’s potential. This report presents the status of coastal fisheries resources, reviews government fisheries policies and suggested management measures. Based on the recommendations from a multisectoral consultative workshop conducted among the key experts on fisheries and resource management in Vietnam, the following fisheries management objectives were suggested for sustainable development of coastal fisheries in Vietnam: (1) optimization of productivity and efficiency of the fisheries exploitation regime; (2) ensuring that the benefits of production are distributed equitably; (3) ensuring that the productivity generated results in minimum damage to the resource base and the supporting natural environment; and (4) upgrading and strengthening the related institutions. Indicative action programs for improved management are also presented.
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