Myanmar inland fisheries and aquaculture: A decade in review

Myanmar inland fisheries and aquaculture: A decade in review
Soe, K. M. et al. (2020). Myanmar inland fisheries and aquaculture: a decade in review. Monograph no. 209. Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Yangon: WorldFish. 93 pp.
This publication reviews the current state of knowledge of inland capture fisheries and aquaculture in Myanmar, using data from the past decade. The book aims to highlight challenges and opportunities in Myanmar’s fisheries sector, and to contribute to information sharing and capacity building for better management and sustainable use of the country’s inland aquatic resources. This review contains information about the role of fisheries and aquaculture; economy, value chains, export and trade; governance; management practises; data collection and information systems; and areas for improvement.
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