The physical environment

The physical environment
Mines, A.N. et al. (1982). The physical environment. p. 5-14. In: Pauly, D ; Mines, A.N. (eds.) Small scale fisheries of San Miguel Bay, Philippines: biology and stock assessment. ICLARM technical report 7, 124 p.
A brief review is given of those physical features of San Miguel Bay, Philippines, which have an impact on the Bay's fisheries. These features are: the climate conditions, notably the strong winds during the northeast monsoon; the oceanographic conditions, notably the estuarine habitats created within the Bay by the freshwater inflow from the Bicol River and by the heavy rainfall; and the siltation of the Bay by upland erosion which is gradually making the Bay shallower, thus reducing those areas legally and physically accessible to commercial-sized vessels.
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