The Two Degree Initiative Listening Sessions

The Two Degree Initiative Listening Sessions
The Two Degree Initiative (2DI) has been proposed as the flagship effort within the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) to address the risks of climate change and enable the world’s food systems and small-scale agricultural producers to adapt at the speed and scale that the climate crisis requires. The 2DI seeks to leverage the breadth and depth of CGIAR’s considerable assets— including gene banks, laboratories, field sites, expertise in numerous disciplines, and hundreds of partners—to address the impacts of climate change. Its goal is to help 200 million small-scale agricultural producers across the globe adapt their agro-ecological systems, livelihoods, and landscapes by 2030 to better withstand climate extremes and variability and be more resilient to climate change, as well as put food systems on a low-emissions development pathway. (Note that this target is to be confirmed through further analysis by the CGIAR Secretariat.)
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Research Themes