Discover our latest success stories, stories from the field, blogs, and opinion pieces contributed by our thought leaders and global experts. Through evidence-based storytelling, we examine and report on WorldFish work towards transforming aquatic food systems for healthy people and the planet.

Oceans will be key to future food security - new expert report

Posted by - 4 minutes read
December 09, 2019

Accessibility, Climate change, Development, feed efficiency

Global tilapia industry under threat from highly contagious disease

Posted by - 2 minutes read
November 22, 2019

aquaculture management, fish disease, Sustainable Aquaculture, Tilapia

World Resources Institute report lays the table for a sustainable food future

Posted by - 2 minutes read
November 20, 2019

Aquaculture, aquatic, CGIAR, FISH/fish

Towards a sustainable ocean economy: An interview with Norway’s Minister of Fisheries and Seafood, Harald T Nesvik.

Posted by - 9 minutes read
November 14, 2019

aquatic foods, Development, Food security, Livelihoods

A Training Dialogue on Introduction to Climate Information Services for Aquaculture in Bangladesh

Posted by Peerzadi Rumana Hossain - 2 minutes read
November 13, 2019

Agriculture, Aquaculture, Bangladesh, Climate change

WorldFish nets big wins in big data competition

Posted by - 1 minute read
October 25, 2019

big data, Development, fish disease, Health

Yumiko Kura of WorldFish honored by Cambodian Government

Posted by - 4 minutes read
October 21, 2019

Cambodia, Conservation, Fisheries management, Infrastructure

Putting fish ‘back on the plate’ in nutrition debate

Posted by - 4 minutes read
October 14, 2019

Coastal fisheries, Development, Food security, Nutrition

Making sense of fuzzy data: new approach promises clear insights for tackling disease outbreaks in farmed fish

Posted by - 1 minute read
October 13, 2019

Aquaculture, economy, fish value chains, gender equality

Partnering for success: Sector unites to grow aquaculture in Timor-Leste

Posted by - 5 minutes read
August 30, 2019

Development, Fish farming, Food security, GIFT

Élever une voix unifiée: aider les pêcheurs et les travailleurs de la pêche artisanale africaine à se faire entendre

Posted by - 7 minutes read
August 21, 2019

Afrique subsaharienne, appropriation, directives SSF, partenariats

Raising a unified voice: Supporting African small-scale fishers and fish workers to be heard

Posted by - 6 minutes read
August 21, 2019

Capacity Development, ownership, Partnerships, Policy

‘I can’t catch enough fish’: Balancing water needs for farmers and fishers in Myanmar

Posted by - 5 minutes read
August 21, 2019

Agriculture, Food security, Inland fisheries, Myanmar

How nearshore devices increase fish catches and improve food security in Timor-Leste

Posted by - 5 minutes read
August 19, 2019

Nutrition, small-scale fishers, Timor-Leste

Respecting the other: Leading practitioner calls for greater research collaboration at MARE conference

Posted by - 5 minutes read
August 07, 2019

Capacity Development, Fisheries, Governance, Partnerships

Pathway to prosperity: Aquaculture in Timor-Leste set to grow after 10 years of development

Posted by - 7 minutes read
August 07, 2019

Development, Fish farming, Food security, GIFT

Governing Myanmar’s inland fisheries: looking for the right balance

Posted by - 6 minutes read
July 17, 2019

Aquaculture, Research

Laying the foundation for fisheries research in Myanmar

Posted by - 5 minutes read
July 08, 2019


Hot off the press: New research in May 2019

Posted by Cecily Layzell - 5 minutes read
June 12, 2019

Aquaculture, Bangladesh, breeding, Feed

Carp intensification doubles production and increases profits for Indian farmers

Posted by Cecily Layzell - 4 minutes read
June 03, 2019

Aquaculture, carp, India, management practices

Hot off the press: New research in April 2019

Posted by Cecily Layzell - 6 minutes read
May 24, 2019

Aquaculture, Bangladesh, blue economy, mariculture