African aquaculture is growing rapidly. Tilapia and catfish are the two most important farmed fish species in Africa. Additionally, rainbow trout farming is an important part of the Kenyan aquaculture industry. Compared to salmon and shrimp, little attention and research investments have been made to better understand disease epidemiology and control mechanisms in these cultured fish groups. With increased intensification and the resultant proliferation of fish diseases, many African countries are now realizing the importance of biosecurity governance and building better aquatic animal health research capacity and management to support the sustainable development of aquaculture in the continent. 

International partnerships and collaboration with expert institutions can facilitate the transition for African countries to develop and implement better biosecurity governance. This is a joint project between WorldFish and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute that will utilize research expertise (aquaculture, aquatic animal health, epidemiology, molecular diagnostics, vaccinology) networks, global and local partnerships including the College of Basic and Applied Sciences (CBAS) of the University of Ghana (UG) and the College of Agriculture & Veterinary Sciences (CAVS) of the University of Nairobi (UN), to support research and education in Sub-Saharan Africa in aquatic animal health management under the broader framework of aquatic food systems and One Health and to achieve three higher-level outcomes listed below.


In-person training at FAIH

Ghana Activities

Kenya Activities


Higher level outcomes include: 

  • Research capacity on aquatic animal health management in Sub-Saharan Africa countries improved 
  • Institutional capacity and learners’ knowledge and practical skills on aquatic animal health to improve the aquaculture related education services and extension capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa countries enhanced
  • New knowledge on aquatic animal health in aquatic food systems in the framework of one health and one food systems widely shared in SAA through sustainable networking.

Target groups are fish farmers and hatchery operators, University students , Academic and research institutions, Extension services, national competent authority representatives, Donor agencies and project implementing agencies in Sub-Saharan Africa, Regional and international agencies involved in promoting aquatic animal health management, biosecurity governance and One Health.

The expected outcomes for the target groups of the project are:

  • Research outcomes
    • Research/Knowledge gaps on the aquatic animal health management in the selected countries (Ghana and Kenya) identified and addressed/filled
    • Research findings and new knowledge on aquatic animal health are availed by relevant stakeholders in Ghana/Kenya and other countries 
  • Education outcomes
    • State of the art educational modules on aquaculture and aquatic animal health for implementing regular face to face and online virtual training programs for from WorldFish Fish for Africa Innovation Hub (FAIH), based in Abbassa developed and available
    • Availability and accessibility of countries to training programs on aquaculture and aquatic animal health management increased
  • Networking outcomes
    • Dynamic and operational networking mechanism developed for sharing of aquatic animal health knowledge amongst countries
    • Effective coordination and MEL established to capture main highlights/achievements and create knowledge sharing
Impact Pathways

Project milestones

  • 10 academic research institutions adopt appropriate research methodologies and tools and update their curriculum on aquatic animal health management
  • 10 lessons learned on aquatic animal health management documented and shared with sub-Saharan African countries
  • 15 education modules on aquatic animal health developed based on new research knowledge
  • 50 learners engaged in aquaculture following training
  • 50 extension agents/aquaculture service providers adopt better aquatic animal health management practices