S M Faridul Haque is the Gender specialist of the BMGF project, WorldFish. He is a gender expert both by academic training and professional expertise. He obtained Honors and Master’s degree on Women and Gender Studies from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Recently he was awarded with the prestigious Chevening Scholarship, offered by the UK government and pursued his Master’s Degree in Development Studies at the IDS, University of Sussex, UK.
In his professional life, Faridul Worked for different national and international organizations including CARE Bangladesh, Gender and Water Alliance. His areas of expertise include gender, water, green economy, capacity building, private sector engagement, gender and communications, and men engagement. His major accomplishments are conducting gender assessment and studies, gender mainstreaming strategy development, gender and water inventory, traveling exhibition on gender and water, thematic training modules on water management with gender perspective, Leading Men Engagement initiative etc.