Algal bioproducts derived from suspended solids in intensive land-based aquaculture

Castine, S.A. et al. (2013). Algal bioproducts derived from suspended solids in intensive land-based aquaculture. Bioresource Technology, 131: 113-120
Land-based aquaculture produces suspended solids in culture pond and settlement pond waters that could be harvested as a bioresource. The first aim of this study is to quantify, characterise, and subsequently harvest the suspended solids from two discharge waste streams in pond-based intensive aquaculture. The second aim is to quantify the fatty acid profile of harvested biomass (suspended solids) and evaluate its potential as a bioproduct in aquaculture feeds and nutraceuticals. The third aim is to convert the harvested biomass (suspended solids) to biochar and evaluate its potential in soil amelioration. Finally, we discuss the scale of this bioresource and scope for its application.
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