Virtual Conference of Ocean Governance for Sustainability: Action Insights and Foreshadowing Challenges

The European COST Action “Ocean Governance for Sustainability – Challenges, Options and the Role of Science” (CA15217) gathered from for the final and virtual “Conference on Ocean Governance: Action insights and foreshadowing challenges.”

Date: Thursday-Friday, 19–20 November, 2020

Aquaculture Health in Africa – Revisited!

A follow up informative online event on aquaculture health in Africa.

Date: Thursday, 4 February 2021

Time: 21:00 (UTC+8)

Africa is a regional leader in fish farming culture. Following the high levels of interest in the 2020 discussion around aquaculture health matters in Africa, Aquaculture Africa Magazine brought together a panel of experts to discuss aquatic animal health disease management in Africa.

Invited speakers: