Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh - EcoFish Phase I

Academic Institution

The Natural Resources Institute (NRI) is a specialist research, development and education organization of the University of Greenwich. The NRI generates, applies and shares knowledge and develop skills for a sustainable world by focusing on food, agriculture, the environment and livelihoods. Using an interdisciplinary approach, NRI undertakes research, teaching, training and consultancy in managing natural resources to address interrelated global challenges affecting everyone from local farmers and consumers to the UK food industry and smallholder communities in the developing world.

Advanced Research Institution

James Cook University (JCU) is a public teaching and research institution and is the second oldest university in Queensland, Australia. The university’s main fields of research include marine sciences, biodiversity, sustainable management of tropical ecosystems, genetics and genomics, tropical health care and tourism. JCU offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs and hosts a number of important centers of excellence and research centers and institutes.  

Suchana: Ending the Cycle of Undernutrition in Bangladesh

Academic Institution

Wageningen University and Research Center (Wageningen UR) is a world-class Dutch public university specializing in the field of agricultural sciences. Wageningen UR trains specialists (BSc, MSc and PhD) in life sciences and focuses its research on scientific, social and commercial problems in the field of life sciences and natural resources. The university offers 18 Bachelors' programs, 28 Masters' programs, and a number of doctoral programs in fields including economy and society, health, technology, nature and environment, and animals and plants.

CGIAR Center

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is an international research and training organization established to develop new rice varieties and rice crop management techniques while finding sustainable ways to improve the well-being of poor rice farmers. IRRI is one of 15 agricultural research centers that comprise the CGIAR network, and is also the largest nonprofit agricultural research center in Asia. In addition to its research activities, IRRI broadens its impact by supporting strategic policy and market development and facilitating large-scale adoption of rice technologies.

Advanced Research Institution

The Center for Natural Resource Studies (CNRS) is a nongovernmental organization based in Bangladesh that focuses on management of floodplain ecosystems through community-based management approaches. CNRS aims to be a frontrunner in ecosystem conservation efforts at the local and national level and provide support to government strategies and initiatives.


The Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rural Development of Myanmar is a ministry of the Myanmar Government responsible for the country’s livestock and fishery sectors.