FISH events: Visioning for a Learning Hub of Excellence

WorldFish researchers from Solomon Islands, Timor Leste and partner organization, James Cook University are meeting next week at the Nusa Tupe Research Station in Western Province of Solomon Islands.

For 20 years, WorldFish research in the Solomon Islands has sought to improve the performance of fisheries and aquaculture for food security and human wellbeing. Insights from this work are shared across the Pacific region.

CSTFA Webinar - Fish for Change

A 2-part webinar on “Fish for Change” hosted by the Centre for Sustainable Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture (CSTFA) featuring WorldFish’s Michael Akester and Mark Dubois.

Date: Tuesday10 November 2020

Time: 15:00 (GMT+7) / 14:00 (UTC+8)

This virtual event focussed on WorldFish’s research innovation in aquatic food systems and climate change resilience in Myanmar.

National Fish Week Bangladesh 2019

The 27th “National Fish Week-2019 is being observed across Bangladesh 18-24 July 2019. This special week entirely dedicated to fish is an existing opportunity to raise awareness and encourage individuals and fish farming communities to practice sustainable fish farming, better-manage natural resources while helping prevent the extinction of various species of indigenous fish.

World Brackishwater Aquaculture Conference

BRAQCON 2019 will provide a unique platform for people involved in brackishwater aquaculture and fisheries, nationally and internationally. Sharing of experience and research advancements in the frontier areas would facilitate maximum utilisation, cultivation, conservation and development of aquatic resources. The conference would elicit interest among young researchers and scientists to undertake studies and research to further open up new blue growth avenues for a better world.

Pan-African Workshop on Strengthening Organizational Structures of Non-State Structures of Non-State Actors for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in Africa

The workshop aims to strengthen non-state actor (NSA) platforms and their representation at regional and global levels for sustainable small-scale fisheries in Africa. Bringing together 40 participants—including non-state actors, other small-scale fisheries representatives and stakeholders, and regional organizations and partners—the workshop provides an opportunity for attendees to exchange experiences and discuss capacity development needs.

Expected outputs of the workshop include: