Forum for the Future of Agriculture

An Annual Conference discussing the challenges facing the sustainability of food systems and the environment. 

Date: Tuesday, 28 March 2023

Click here to learn more about the event

The Forum for the Future of Agriculture (ForumforAg) is the premiere meeting place in Brussels to debate sustainable agriculture and environmental challenges - where agriculture and the environment meet - to explore the following themes:

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on the Development of the ASEAN Blue Economy Framework

A stakeholder dialogue exploring policy discourse involving relevant Government, Sectoral Bodies, academia, industries, and CSOs to share national and regional best practices and a showcase of the Blue Economy Framework.

Date: Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Time: 13.30-17.30 (GMT+7) / 14.30-18.30 (GMT+8)

Click here to learn more about the event

15th Malaysia International Genetics Congress 2023 (MiGC15)

A congress exploring work on achieving resilience in global food and nutrition security with the application of advanced genomic tools and improved functional genomic information in aquatic food systems.  

Date: Tuesday-Thursday, 7-9 March 2023

Venue: Bangi Resort Hotel, Selangor, Malaysia

Click here to register to participate in the event in-person and online