4th World Small-scale Fisheries Congress: Leading by Excellence: From policy and strategy to implementation and impact

A policy forum to elevate the profile of small-scale fisheries, advance understanding about them and inspire more actions and collaboration to continue to promote and support small-scale fisheries.

Date: Monday-Wednesday 21-23 November 2022

Location: Pretoria, South Africa

Watch the recording

2022 JIRCAS International Symposium: Artisanal fisheries and aquaculture in the sustainable food systems

An international symposium exploring opportunities and challenges for a resilient, efficient and sustainable fisheries and aquaculture sector to promote both sustainability and productivity in aquatic food systems.

Date: Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Time: 12:00-15:15 (UTC+8)

Venue: Hitotsubashi Hall, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

WorldFish Annual Report 2021

We are pleased to present the WorldFish 2021 Annual Report. In the pages that follow, we update you on the progress we have made in implementing our work plan for the year and delivering our organizational mission and vision. We also present key highlights from our country level achievements and the steps we took to expand our global outreach during the past year, despite the enormous COVID-19 related challenges.