Discover our latest success stories, stories from the field, blogs, and opinion pieces contributed by our thought leaders and global experts. Through evidence-based storytelling, we examine and report on WorldFish work towards transforming aquatic food systems for healthy people and the planet.

Rear fish in a rice paddy? Old ways can future-proof food production

Posted by WorldFish - 3 minutes read
December 21, 2022

Aquatic Agricultural Systems, Research, innovation, Resilience

WorldFish scientist named among top researchers for third year running

Posted by Sean Lee Kuan Shern - 2 minutes read
November 29, 2022


Crown-of-thorns seastar named after WorldFish scientist

Posted by Sean Lee Kuan Shern - 2 minutes read
November 23, 2022

Research, Genetics, Coral reefs

Nigerian Aquaculture: Status, Prospects, and Future Growth Workshop

Posted by WorldFish - 2 minutes read
November 01, 2022

Aquaculture, Employment, Poverty reduction, Nutrition

Unlocking opportunities for climate action toward net zero requires a blue transition

Posted by Peerzadi Rumana Hossain - 7 minutes read
November 14, 2022

Climate Action, Policies, climate, Inclusion

Tilapia aquaculture: Potential for India in meeting food, nutritional and livelihood security

Posted by Modadugu Vijay Gupta - 7 minutes read
November 11, 2022

Research, innovation, aquatic foods, Food security

COP27 can help the world achieve blue prosperity

Posted by WorldFish - 5 minutes read
November 06, 2022

Climate Action, Climate change adaptation, Climate change mitigation

Nutrition-sensitive agri-food systems for resilient and sustainable Asian mega-deltas

Posted by Ben Wismen - 5 minutes read
November 02, 2022

Nutrition-sensitive, Deltas, Agri-food systems, Partnerships

Cracking the code of mola mass production boosts nutrition-sensitive aquaculture in India

Posted by Francois Rajts, Sourabh Kumar Dubey - 5 minutes read
October 28, 2022

Nutrition, Polyculture (aquaculture), Small fish

WorldFish Annual Report 2021

Posted by - 1 minute read
October 27, 2022

La revolution des algues: A seaweed revolution for a new future in sustainable food systems

Posted by Ben Wismen - 7 minutes read
October 17, 2022

Seaweed, Nutrition, Sustainability, Climate change

Tackling malnutrition in children through the inclusion of dried small fish powder in their diets

Posted by Amar Gaikwad, Arun Padiyar Panemangalore , Baishnaba Charan Ratha - 3 minutes read
October 16, 2022

Nutrition, School feeding

Eradicating poverty by nurturing the youth in aquaculture technologies

Posted by Bernadette Tosan Fregene , Agness Chileya - 4 minutes read
October 15, 2022

Youth employment, Aquaculture, Poverty reduction

Shakuntala Thilsted receives award from Sylhet Agricultural University

Posted by Mohammad Shohorab Hossain - 3 minutes read
October 14, 2022

aquatic foods, Nutrition, Food security, Livelihoods

Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia: Benefiting aquatic food producers in the past, present and future

Posted by Trịnh Quốc Trọng , John Benzie - 5 minutes read
October 05, 2022

Tilapia, Aquaculture, Genetic improvement, Sustainability

Aquatic foods’ seat at the table

Posted by John Bakum - 5 minutes read
October 05, 2022

aquatic foods, Nutrition, climate, Sustainability

Strengthening the voices of small-scale fishers for change

Posted by Sarah Erickson , Alexander Tilley - 3 minutes read
September 27, 2022

Resilient Small-scale fisheries, Artisanal fisheries, aquatic foods, Community management

International Youth Day: Solidarity with young aquatic actors

Posted by WorldFish - 2 minutes read
August 12, 2022

Youth, aquatic food systems, Employment, Education

WorldFish’s Florine Lim bags inaugural CGIAR Inclusive Leader award

Posted by WorldFish - 3 minutes read
September 20, 2022

Leadership, Inclusion, Gender, Research

Leveraging the expertise of institutions in East Malaysia for a sustainable aquatic food system

Posted by Sean Lee Kuan Shern - 3 minutes read
September 16, 2022

Partnerships, aquatic food systems, Sustainability, Research