World awakens to unmatched potential of aquatic foods to improve nutrition

Posted by Sean Lee Kuan Shern - 8 minutes read
November 01, 2021

aquatic foods, Nutrition, World Food Prize

In the Spotlight: Rahma Adam

Posted by Sean Lee Kuan Shern - 5 minutes read
October 29, 2021

Gender, gender equality, Women's empowerment

Why fish and aquatic foods are the answer to global hunger

Posted by - 4 minutes read
October 28, 2021

World Food Prize, Nutrition, aquatic food systems

The power of small fish to nourish women and children

Posted by WorldFish - 5 minutes read
October 26, 2021

Nutrition, aquatic food systems, World Food Prize

Spotlighting seaweed on the global food systems agenda

Posted by - 3 minutes read
October 22, 2021

Food security, Livelihoods, Food systems

World Food Prize Highlights: Aquatic foods make a splash in Des Moines

Posted by WorldFish - 6 minutes read
October 21, 2021

aquatic foods, Research, innovation, World Food Prize

World Food Prize Laureate champions aquatic foods at CGIAR Anniversary

Posted by WorldFish - 5 minutes read
October 21, 2021

World Food Prize, Nutrition, aquatic foods, Food systems

Diverse aquatic food production key to sustainable diets, finds new research

Posted by WorldFish - 3 minutes read
October 15, 2021

Research, Sustainability, Aquaculture

Rural women revolutionize the fight against malnutrition in Odisha, India

Posted by Kate McMahon - 6 minutes read
October 15, 2021

Gender, Nutrition, Nutrition security, Food security

Four strategies to achieve inclusive and equitable aquatic food systems

Posted by Sean Lee Kuan Shern - 5 minutes read
October 14, 2021

Gender, gender equality, gender-transformative approach

Global research effort sets the stage for an aquatic food future 

Posted by Kate McMahon - 5 minutes read
October 14, 2021

Food security, Climate change, Nutrition, Research

Harnessing the nourishing potential of aquatic foods in India

Posted by Sean Lee Kuan Shern - 6 minutes read
October 13, 2021

aquatic foods, Small-scale fisheries, Food security, Nutrition

WorldFish key contributor to formation of Shanghai Declaration

Posted by Sean Lee Kuan Shern - 4 minutes read
October 12, 2021

Aquaculture, Sustainability, sustainable development goals

Building climate resilience into Bangladesh's coastal communities

Posted by Md. Asaduzzaman - 4 minutes read
October 12, 2021

Climate change, Sustainability, Resilience, Livelihoods

Former WorldFish researcher awarded prize for young career scientists

Posted by WorldFish - 2 minutes read
October 08, 2021

Food security, Nutrition, Research

Bangladeshi actress Jannatul Peya champions women in aquatic food systems

Posted by Maherin Ahmed - 2 minutes read
October 01, 2021

Gender, Aquaculture, Aquaculture; Capacity development; Livelihoods Bangladesh, Nutrition

Thinking fish: A prerequisite for multifunctional landscape management

Posted by Matthew McCartney, Sanjiv de Silva - 5 minutes read
September 30, 2021

Nutrition, Food security, Climate change adaptation, Climate change mitigation

5 innovations reducing loss and waste in aquatic food systems

Posted by Kate McMahon - 6 minutes read
September 29, 2021

innovation, Research, Food wastes, Economic losses