Special events: WorldFish and FUTA sign MoU on accelerating the progress of research in aquaculture and fisheries

The signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between WorldFish and Federal University of Technology, Akure took place on the 26 June 2019 in Nigeria. The MoU signing ceremony was signed by Prof. Joseph Fuwape, FUTA Vice Chancellor and Dr. Johnstone Gareth, WorldFish Director General.

Special events: High-level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy

The High-level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy is a unique group of world leaders committed to developing, catalyzing and supporting solutions for ocean health and wealth in policy, governance, technology and finance.

WorldFish Honorary Fellow Eddie Allison has been invited to join the Expert Group of the High-level Panel, which is meeting for the first time this month.