Enhanced Coastal Fisheries in Bangladesh (ECOFISH II) Activity: Seminar on seaweeds & green mussels farming and the Blue Food Festival

A seminar exploring solutions to scale out seaweed and green mussels cultivation and promote the production of diversified food products as a blue economy initiative in Bangladesh.

Date: Saturday, 19 March 2022

Time: 11:00-17:30 (UTC+8)

Nutrient-rich small fish production, processing and marketing in Myanmar and Zambia (SPM)


FedWell Foods resources NGOs, governments, and charities who are dedicated to feeding the world's poorest of the poor.

International Organization

CSO-SUN Alliance was established in 2012 as a movement of Civil Society ... the nutrition challenge in Zambia through the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement.


The Mandate of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock is anchored on Government Gazette Notice No. 183 of 2012. It facilitates and supports the development of sustainable, diversified and competitive fisheries and livestock sectors that assure food and nutrition security, contribute to job creation and maximise profits and the sectors’s contribution to Gross Domestic Product.

CGIAR Center

The Ministry aims to provide effective quality healthcare services close to the family as possible. This ensures equity of access to health service delivery and contributes to the human and socioeconomic development. The ministry also targets to attain Sustainable Development Goals on health and other national health priorities.