Sustainable Planet, Sustainable Health: How science-based solutions can drive transformative change

A preliminary event to the Stockholm+50 exploring successful examples and action-oriented dialogues and engagements between academia and a wide range of societal actors linked to policy- and decision-making to sustainable development.

Date: Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Time: 16:30-23:30 (UTC+8)

IHNF Lecture Series: Global and national perspectives on food system and human nutrition

A lecture exploring perspectives on food systems and human nutrition in the Philippines.

Date: Tuesday-Wednesday, 18-20 May 2022

In celebration of the Institute of Human Nutrition and Food (IHNF)’s 34th Anniversary, a lecture series on global and national perspectives on food systems and human nutrition in the Philippines. The discussion topics are a continuation of the IHNF-led Econutrition narratives and support the country's commitment to the United Nation's Food Systems Summit.

Watch the lectures: