Aquaculture Africa Magazine Focus: Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI)

A virtual webinar exploring innovative solutions to boost marine and fisheries research in Kenya.

Date: Thursday, 6 May 2021

Time: 21:00 (UTC+8)

In this virtual webinar hosted by Aquaculture Africa Magazine, a group of students from the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI) came together to discuss the innovative research and development solutions to boost sustainable marine and freshwater fisheries in the region.

Increased sustainability in the aquaculture sector in Sub-Saharan Africa, through improved aquatic animal health management

The University of Nairobi, a body corporate established by an Act of Parliament Cap 210 of the Laws of Kenya is the pioneer institution of University education in Kenya and the region.

Academic Institution

The University of Ghana is the largest university in the country. It aims to become a world-class research-intensive university bydeveloping cutting-edge research and quality teaching and learning, which is relevant to national and global development. The university focuses its research efforts in four key areas: malaria research, climate change adaptation, enhancing food production and processing, and development policy and poverty monitoring and evaluation. The University of Ghana was founded in 1948.

Advanced Research Institution

National biomedical institute delivering research-based knowledge and contingency support in the fields of animal health, fish health and food safety