Aquaculture: increasing income, diversifying diets, and empowering women in Bangladesh and Nigeria

Nongovernmental Organization

Friends in Village Development Bangladesh (FIVDB) was established in 1981 and has been implementing development programs for disadvantaged communities in Bangladesh since then. The organization’s mission is to provide disadvantaged groups and people with a voice, reduce their vulnerability, make them aware of their citizenship rights, and help them to create better lives for themselves. Their activities include, among others, grassroots services, community mobilization and advocacy.

Advanced Research Institution

National biomedical institute delivering research-based knowledge and contingency support in the fields of animal health, fish health and food safety

Advanced Research Institution

The Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA) is an international nonprofit research institute dedicated to food, nutrition and livelihood security as well as environmental rehabilitation in South Asia. It harnesses the latest technology in agriculture to improve farm productivity by focusing on research that improves local productivity to produce more food to meet national and regional demands. Established in 2011, BISA research focuses on increasing the productivity of small farms through improved seed, mechanization and farming practices.

Nongovernmental Organization

BRAC, formerly Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee, is a development organization dedicated to alleviate poverty by empowering the poor, and helping them to bring about positive change in their lives by creating opportunities. BRAC takes a multifaceted approach to poverty reduction, placing special emphasis on the social and financial empowerment of women, while also targeting grass-roots empowerment, health and education provision, farmer empowerment and inclusive financial services provision.

CGIAR Center

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is a nonprofit research organization focused on improving how water and land resources are managed, with the aim of promoting food security and reducing poverty while safeguarding vital environmental processes. IWMI research focuses on water availability and access, including adaptation to climate change, productive water use, relationships between health, the environment, and water quality, and water resource governance.

A K M Firoz Khan

Project Leader

seamus murphy

sam s

patrick smallhorn-west